Modern marketers are confronted with a confluence of quickly moving currents, some of which are thrilling and others that are less apparent.

Constant upstream developments in the world of digital advertising continue to poke holes in marketers’ boats, forcing them to choose between getting a bucket and starting bailing or buying a new boat entirely.

Making this option requires a thorough examination of the currents causing all of this change. Understanding them may lead to a deeper look at their DSP’s potential to meet current and future demands. This is a moment for marketers to think differently, to plan for the long term and design solutions based on what they need today and in the future.

Content viewing patterns, brand pressure to provide results, and changes to ad IDs are three currents of change that are causing many marketers to reevaluate their current DSP.

READ MORE: Television advertisers Are Revisiting Their Relationships With DSPs

Industry shifts pave the door for new technologies to help marketers engage with current customers.

Consumer attention has fragmented across devices and time over the past decade. As fragmentation develops, the ability to successfully execute full-funnel campaigns across channels and formats becomes more critical. Understanding how to attain relevance and influence via technology will be critical for interacting with today’s consumers.

Money and time, as always, are the two most valuable commodities. Marketers continue to do more with less as they stretch their budgets in this fragmented market and face more competition.

Technological advancements and a plethora of current signals provide a chance to discover insights that may generate exponential consequences.

Using AI to unlock this potential is critical to helping marketers beat the competition, especially when dealing with ad identifier changes. According to a recent eMarketer survey, over 90% of browsers in the United States may go cookieless in the long run. Instead of relying on the past, when teams combine the advantages of probabilistic and deterministic methodologies, they will have a clearer route to scalability and performance. This highlights the necessity of quality audience models that marketers can manage.

READ MORE: Yahoo’s New DSP Feature Uses AI And First-Party Data Together

Smarter technologies allow DSPs to do more for marketers, resulting in improved audience analysis and campaign planning.

While a DSP’s function in marketing has not altered, its ability to demystify the intricacies of the new environment in order to stimulate innovation while providing results will decide its success.

Faster, better, and smarter solutions that free marketers from the constraints of fragmentation and allow them to flourish despite apparently infinite workloads will be critical to attaining such positive results. Low-value operations may be automated using AI to minimize the number of line items or clicks a programmatic trader must do, while also uncovering intriguing data and patterns to feed optimization choices in a manner that allows marketers to maintain control.

When hard processes are automated, companies have more time to focus on audience growth and insights, which are crucial for planning and measurement.

Marketers want a DSP that delivers results via relevance and offers a solution that will survive in a changing marketplace while guaranteeing they can meet their goals today. Securely merging first-party data sets with billions of unique signals, such as Amazon’s browsing, purchasing, and streaming insights, enables marketers to develop stronger audiences and comprehend the complicated journeys their consumers are currently taking, which may power more effective tactics.

The adage, “Don’t push the river, it flows by itself,” exemplifies the present condition of ad tech: it will continue to develop and might move in a variety of ways, regardless of what marketers desire. Future-proofing tools help a team prepare for anything may come their way, ensuring that they achieve their ultimate objectives.
